Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Somethings never change

When I was a kid I always remembered for every birthday, valentines day, Christmas my parents would decorate our door over night so when you first open the door lets say on ur birthday u were greeted with signs of celebration, love and joy. I'm talking about streamers, balloons, signs, candy, toys. Just things that made ur day start off right.
Well I got up early this morning to say good morning to my lil sister and what do I find. Valentines for me and Jordan and a cute stuffed puppy that I think might be for the dragon. It feels so great to wake up to that surprise. Thank you for bringing back a cherished memory mom and dad.


Michele B said...

Aww, that's so sweet

jaybbaker33 said...

Thats cool ! Happy Belated Valentine's Day Corry !!!

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