Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Visit to my past

So saturday before returning the rental back,  I decided to take a trip down memory lane. When I was little my parents were reassigned to Bitburg AFB which is about a 30 min drive from where I am now. My little brother Will was born there. I thought it would be nice to take a quick tour through it with Jordan. Its so funny I was between 5-7 when I left as a child, and there I was a woman, a mother with my child who is about to turn 5. Its 360 degrees of life.  It amazes me. Also along the way we stopped and saw some interesting things,fields of flowers, loads of HUGE windmill farms which I am absolutely fascinated with and a rolling hills.

 To my surprise they had one of these!!! YAY

1 comment:

Liz "D" said...

Thanks for sharing some old memories of Bitburg--Mom :)

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