Into the Belly of the Blue Beast
Otherwise known as Ikea.
So as I have been taught when a good deed is done unto you, you must pay it
forward back unto the universe. So yesterday I took a new coworker who just
moved here with his newly expanding family to Ikea to get family wardrobes and dressers.
To go into Ikea more than
a simple task, but its the kind of task I hate doing for a few reasons but here
are the main concerns of this journey:
1. I have Jordan with me
and anytime I have to go shopping or into this place she never wants to go to
the kids corner and play and make life simpler for mommy she insists on tagging
along spewing fire and shenanigans all over the place
2. The layout of the story
is truly like the labyrinth in the 80's movie. There is only one flow going in
and down stairs and out, In the US the store is broken out into several floors
by rooms- kids, kitchen, living room, office, etc. This one has not rhyme or
reason just chaos
3. The guy I’m going with
doesn't have a clue on what it is he really was looking for, just measurements,
and didn't go on a reconnaissance mission online to check merchandise out or
try and build what he may or may not need - ohh this is going to hurt.
So here we go, pray I
don't kill anyone
So we enter into the belly
of the beast and we agree that should we become separated we would call or text
each other. I wish him best of luck in his search, I already knew what I was
looking for and we went our separate ways.
I manage maneuver my
way through the first section with him, and there are a great deal of people in
here, in the beginning I mange to watch couples walking by hand in hand,
staring lovingly into each others eyes, not aware of the trouble and stress lurking
Anyway I quickly get to
the kids section where I let Jordan try out the new lofted bed I thought about
getting her. This one has room for her to sleep in up top, place for friends to
sleep over on the bottom or a cool reading corner for her and all her bazillion
stuffies to hang out with and miscellaneous tea parties.
So after testing the
merchandise out, and visualizing the dragon in her new space we get up and
decide to meander about the rest of the store where I find a few new things and
a new bamboo for my desk at work.
We descend downstairs and
have a seat, my thinking is that my companion should have found what he needed
by now, took down some numbers and hopefully on his way downstairs now in hopes
of dragging the parcels piece by piece off the dusty shelves so we can get out
of here. Man that part of the process gets my head hurting just thinking about
it. There are about 4 phases of buying large items here in Ikea and each of
them is like going through some type of marine training boot camp that takes
not only physical strength but also heart and patience and mental capacity.
Phase one: you scout out the merchandise and get what you need.
This may sound easy enough but if you don't have a clue on what you are looking
for or no type of guidance what so ever you are doomed and could possibly watch
your life pass you by quickly while you decide now on the infinite
possibilities and combinations of what you could build.
Small intersection: you need your first lifeline, like getting a
mushroom in super Mario brothers, the cargo cart will help you skate around the
ground floor with your parcels with ease but what is truly needed if you are
solo is another body to help you carry these ungodly odd shaped packages onto
the cart but alas the Ikea employees are only there to point you into the right
direction but not lend a helping hand
Phase two: You trudge downstairs and make sure that the
packaging number you got from upstairs- weather its the wardrobe collection
paper or something you wrote down is correct and is on the available shelves. So
to begin you start looking for the matching numbers- starting with the aisle
number then section- like 20:17. But wait you get there and then there are four
sections, what kind of trickery is this, damn I actually need to line up the ASIN
number on my paper with this to make sure I don't accidentally get a white
drawer to go with my dark wood wardrobe instead of the matching colors. All
right right pieces are insight, not get those suckers on your cart without
throwing your back out
Insert tears of
delirium and possible joy as you envision the end
Phase three: At this point you should be good and sweaty,
and if you are not that means you are missing pieces to your said project. You
probably have any where between three to fifteen odd shaped boxes on your cart
and you can now wheel them to what you think is the finishing line, ah check
out!!! Finally the end of this crazy carousel is coming to an end, or so you
think. So you get to the check out and wait patiently for your turn. While
standing there you notice a few more baubles and toss them in, and then
realize" how in the bloody hell will I get all of this stuff home?"
Of course you only thought you were only coming home with a few boxes but
nothing that couldn't fit in the back of your VW with the seats folded down. So
what do you do? You happen to glance over by the customer service area
and see that they have delivery, hmmm you think to yourself " that has to
be easier then me trying to shove all this in my car and dragging it into my
flat myself."
So its decided once you
get out of this line you will head that way to seal the final deal and head
home. So you look up and its finally your turn to check out, the cashier starts
going through all your loot and notices that some of the barcodes are on the
other side of some of the boxes facing down so you now must take a lot of the
stuff off the top to so he can scan it, does he offer to help you in any of
this? Of course not because that would be to much like right to help you as you
suffer through taking these odd shaped boxes off the cart just so he can scan
them and then have to lug them back on. Truly at this point you should be
overwhelmingly tired, sweaty and ready to break the hell out of the belly of
the beast as the sense of defeat is whispering in your ear. But you
decide to hang in in there and see this thing thru to round four and then you
are free!
Insert tears of disbelief,
as you are about to walk out this MF soon
Phase four: So you decided to stay for the final round and
pay for delivery. This is the final stage of the game, and of course the
delivery service area is close to the exit so you can have second thoughts
about waiting and filling out forms and run out of the store screaming possibly
leaving your paid for parcels at the door but you say to yourself this is it
and get ready. So there are two sections of this area, one is customer service
where there is a number system the other is actually just for delivery and
seems easy enough but there seems to be two sections and you have no idea what
is what, so you wait in line with the rest of the victims of life drainage and
start flashing back over what in the hell brought you to this point, head
spinning, dehydrated and ready to fall asleep where you stand, you wait and
wait. Finally it’s your turn and you are so excited to have arrived at this
final destination. Pass over your receipt, tell them your name and address what’s
my name again, damn here is my ID because I can't think straight, and walk over
to your cart so you both can count the number of pieces to make sure nothing is
forgotten. Nothing worse then getting home, ready to build a dresser only to
find that you are missing a drawer and now you have this odd shaped looking
dresser and of course you are forced to make that journey like Frodo back into
the black gates of mordoor and retrieve the missing pieces to your broken heart
I mean your drawer to your dresser. All information obtained, delivery paid for
you are now free to walk or slither away as you are now broken and tired,
possibly ready to sleep in your car since your life force has been
If you make it through
these four obstacles congrats you are an Ikea furniture survivor, and in case
you are wondering if I am making this part up this actually is my account of Ikea
when I went to get my wardrobe an a few other pieces for our new place. Now put
a fussy dragon on top of that and no one helping me with three carts of stuff
and boy I can tell you about the hallucinations I had while plucking and
gathering pieces and praying to God that we make it out there alive and all
pieces will be together because I vowed I would never come back again for
anything this ridiculous again. But I had paid for delivery and assembly
because there was no way in hell I was putting it together- so 3 weeks until my
delivery to come and I said that was fine because it was worth me not suffering
any more through this ordeal.
But alas there I was
again- helping out my fellow man. This time I wasn't Frodo, I was Sam Wise
there to carry him through and get him the hell out of there. A bit braver,
wiser, but still frustrated.
As I said we were down in
parcel purgatory waiting for my companion to descend down, and about 20-30 min
later I began to worry. So I called him as we agreed and asked where he was, he
was a bit unsure but down stairs some where and then he said he saw me. He had
a look of confusion and was dragging a cart behind him with miscellaneous
things. " So did you get what you were looking for?" I said
optimistically. "To be honest Corry I didn't even find the wardrobe
section." A bit of my soul died knowing I was going to have to trudge back
through there and take him to his destination. I knew exactly where it was -
play as day I envisioned it: behind the kids section which was right by the
food court, I laid the floor plan out in my mind as if it was a race for time.
" I know where it is, stay close and follow me. Its going to be hard going
back through here, its built like a one way street" So I get my mind
right, have Jordan in the cart and we trudge through. Imagine me snaking this
cart through one-way traffic in Ikea, people look at me like I'm the crazy one,
perhaps I truly am. I could have just drawn him a map and sent him on his own,
but I flashback to how upset I was when I did it alone so I just toughed it out
and got Frodo to his destination, behold the land of wardrobes. I went and
plopped down on one of beanbags in the bed section and left him to his
decisions. As Jordan and I were slowly wasting away on these fantastic bean
bags I saw some of the familiar couples that entered Ikea the same time we did.
This time there were not all lovey dovey walking hand in hand they were
frustrated, arguing, some hands crossed across the front as if shut down from
the whole conversation. And I laugh to myself- this place is a killer of
relationships if you don't have a plan. Don't get me wrong its nice to walk
through and imagine the what ifs in your shared space, but when its time to get
down to business, you need to have a written out list of what you want and
colors, go online and put it in your cart and print out the parcel sections so
that when you walk in there you have the mind set of get in and get out and no
one get hurts, otherwise you come out thinking WTH just happened to me, I
transformed into some time of Ork from mordoor ready to tear up some shit and
the person I walked in with and forgot what the main objective was. It’s always
about having a plan so things don't go awry.
Anyway I’m waiting for my
buddy to make his choices and then he summons me to help him. Apparently he
liked a few things but has no idea about what to get. This is why I’m happy
they actually have fully assembled wardrobes put together and kitted out. If
you like what you see you simply get the paper and it has the list of what is
needed and locations. This poor soul couldn't decide on what to get in the end
and I told him if he got something to small his wife would not be happy- I
already know because what he showed me I would have pitched a fit, if you have
the room and money, get it right the first time so you don't have to relive
this moment a month from now. So we gather the information and now quickly try
to maneuver back down to packaging purgatory. I explain the system to him and
we get to work. Since there are two of us we move quickly and tick each item
off the list. Meanwhile the dragon is whining in the cart about wanting to get
out and being hungry and bored, all the things that I feel deep in my heart as
well but I know I can't say that because I’m helping a friend out. So we gather
these last remaining parcels and load them onto the cart, and wheel them toward
the checkout line. I begin to do the happy dance inside as we are nearing the
end of our journey- but then I remember delivery and glance over to that part
of the store and see a long line and this huge banner. It read something in French
about this great delivery deal that actually ends today where you get delivery*
for one euro and possibly same day. I put the asterisk on the delivery because
I will give more detail on that later. So I go self-service check out and pay
for my few items while my companion is forced to wait in the never-ending line
to check out. The look on his face is that of Atreyu's horse in the never ending story
getting sucked into the tar pit or what ever that was, you know what I mean
though, it’s toward the end of the movie but the saddest part of the movie. I
tell you the look of defeat is a heart-wrenching thing. But I assured him we
are almost there.
From there I got in the
delivery line to help my buddy get ahead. And as suspected there was no rhyme
or reason to this line as well. People scattered everywhere so I just jumped
behind someone and form something out of chaos and then the line truly forms. I
wait for about 20 min and the line isn't really moving, I glance back and my
buddy is still getting checked out and I see boxes tilted here and there. I
tell you it never ends, and he is scratching his head possibly in disbelief.
Finally my line is moving and he finally makes his way over explaining how the
guy wouldn't help him take the boxes off the cart and he asked for the manager
and the manager said that the cashier has the option to help him. Seriously
what kind of customer service is that???? Lucky it wasn't me because I would
have raised serious hell after being put through all that fuckery, yes ladies
and gents I said fuckery at its finest.
Needless to say we get
through delivery and they say they will deliver* before midnight that night or Monday
morning. There goes that asterisk again. Well Lets flash forward to the end of
our tale. Yes so Frodo and Sam escape the clutches of mordoor but not without
one last blow to the ego. So after enduring all of that I take my buddy home
and we chat and laugh about the whole story with his wife while the kids play.
We have dinner together. I leave about 10:30 and just as I’m leaving the
delivery shows up. Well Ill be damned it actually came in the same day!!! So
this is where the delivery asterisk comes into play. Apparently as I’m walking
out the door the delivery guy tells my buddy that he can only leave parcels at
the outside door and not help carry them in, I think this is what the one euro
delivery gets you. I think that was the last blow to poor Frodo’s ego,
seriously what is the point of all that if you are just going to leave it at
the door and not bring it in. We could have done all of that. So I tell the
sleepy dragon to go back inside and lay down while I help carry packages
inside. After it’s all said and done, all parcels delivered and everyone just a
bit bruised but a bit wiser from the episode. I swear that place; as much as I
love their stuff is a soul stealer, something in the air that takes it out of
you by the time you get to the exit.
Till the next time . . . .
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